Send us the schedule for the celebration in your municipality, and we will share it with the entire network! [...]
The Scientific Committee will work to define the Congress program, and the public is invited to participate through three thematic commissions. [...]
More than 300 people participated at the VII Meeting of the Argentine Network of Educating Cities on September 9, hosted by the City of Córdoba. [...]
New project by Andong at the IAEC Bank of Experiences! [...]
New project by Zaragoza at the IAEC Bank of Experiences! [...] [...]
We present the Activities Guide for the 2024 edition of International Day, which will take place on November 30under the theme "The Educating City as a laboratory for learning, citizenship, and social transformation". [...]
Córdoba hosts the 7th Argentina Network Meeting: "Educating Cities: Learning Ecosystems to Experience and Feel the City" on September 9th. [...]
On July 17, the Organizing Committee meets with Mayor of Granollers, Alba Barnussell, to kick off preparations for the 18th International Congress of Educating Cities. [...]
She was a member of the IAEC Secretariat team between 1999 and 2003. [...]