On December 16th, the REBRACE organized a training session led by Angélica Satiro. [...]
We present this inspiring initiative from the Museum of Natural Sciences of Granollers (MCNG), now available in the BIDCE Bank of Experiences! [...]
The Department of Education of the Government of Catalonia has announced the creation of the International Education Award of Catalonia Pilar Figueras, an accolade recognizing individuals and organizations that have made a significant impact in shaping educational systems worldwide. [...]
Over 115 municipalities are participating this year in the International Day of the Educating City, sharing activities that highlight the transformative power of education in our cities. Together, we celebrate how these urban spaces foster learning, strengthen citizenship, and drive social change. [...]
On the occasion of the International Day of the Educating City, we are sharing a repository of 18 representative experiences from 18 cities across 10 countries, aligned with this year's theme.
Is your municipality planning activities for the International Day of the Educating City? We want to hear all about it! Share your event schedule with us, and we’ll add it to the over 75 cities that have already done so, showcasing it across our entire network. [...]
Thirty years ago, the International Association of Educating Cities was founded in Bologna. To mark this anniversary and the International Day of the Educating City, Bologna is hosting the meeting of the Italian Network to reflect together on the significance of being part of a network. [...]
New project in the BIDCE Bank of Experiences! It allows to discover 180 points of interest in the municipality through a QR code. [...]
The coordinating city of the Italian network of Educating Cities presents the main educational initiatives of Bologna in an interview that addresses current challenges in urban education.