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News from the 14th IAEC Congress

The Organizing Committee of the 14th IAEC Congress, which will take place in Rosario (Argentina) next June 1-4 2016, has advanced the first draft programme of the Congress as well as the dates of Submission of experiences and registration.

20-07-2015    Congress   Rosario 2016


  • Submission of experiences:

Since September 7 to November 15  – 2015

  • Early registration:

Since October 1 2015 to February 19  2016

  • Regular registration:

Since February 20 to May 20 2016

  • Deadline of communication of selected experiences:

February 4 2016

Preliminary Program

Day 1 Opening Ceremony
Opening Plenary Session
Day 2 IAEC General AssemblyDialogue “Politics for the coexistence in cities”
Workshop of presentation of experiences
Speaker’s Corner
Dialogue “The challenge of equality in cities”
Welcome Dinner
Day 3 Dialogue “Territorial politics. Strategies for the appropriation of public space and citizen participation”Projects exhibition Fair
Study visit to Rosario Educating City.
Presentation of experiences of cities awarded with the prize “Educating City”
Workshop of presentation of experiences
Speaker’s Corner
Roundtable “Summoned Youth. From young people problems to the extension of rights”.
Day 4 Mayors’ roundtable
Workshop of presentation of experiences
Speaker’s Corner
Dialogue “Towards a Pedagogy of public spaces”
Closing Ceremony


More information on the 14th IAEC Congress portal.

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