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Mahón receives the Training Seminar “Educating City and Local Governance”

The Training Seminar “Educating City and Local Governance” took place on 9-10 April in the cultural centre Sa Nostra in Mahón (Menorca, Spain).

10-04-2018    Training

The city of Mahón hosted the Training Seminar “Educating City and Local Governance” on 9 and 10 April 2018.

The session aimed at civil society took place on 9th April. Associations in the fields of culture, sports, community, education or social affairs, among others were invited. The session included the conference “Educating City and Local Governance”, by Dr. Joan Manuel del Pozo, from the University of Girona, and a workshop delivered by Angélica Sátiro, PhD.

The second session of the Seminar, addressed to elected members and municipal staff, was held on April the 10th.


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