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© Photo: Lisbon City Council

Lisbon has held various IAEC activities

Lisbon (Portugal) has held since January 22nd to 24th the opening of the travelling exhibition "Educating Cities: Local Actions, Global Values", the Training Seminar "Educating City and Local Governance" and a Meeting of the Argentinean Educating Cities.

22-01-2013    Exhibition   Networks   Training

The travelling exhibition was presented in the Torreao Nascente Hall on January 22nd. The exhibition will remain in the Portuguese Capital until February the 5th.

The conferences and workshops of the Training seminar took place during January 22nd and 23rd. The IAEC experts’ team dynamized an internal workshop with representatives of different departments of the local government and a second one open to Lisbon civil society.

Finally, the Museum of Fashion and Design held a new Meeting of the Portuguese Network of Educating Cities this morning.

Here below you could watch (in Portuguese) a report of the Lisbon City Council Communication Services on the 1st day activities.


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