International Meeting of Educating Cities in Rennes
Rennes will host next November 28-29 an international meeting of Educating Cities within the framework of the common programme of the International Day of the Educating City.
The work will begin at the Rennes City Council with a roundtable with speakers from member cities such as Barcelona, Brussels or Lisbon as well as the IAEC Secretariat.
Later on, the participants will know first-hand several Rennes educational policies focused on issues such as the Rhythms of Childhood, the relationship of family and school, the promotion of a better living together, the fight against educational inequalities and academic failure, the use of digital tools at school and the cultural and artistic training of children.
On the afternoon, the Mayor of Rennes, Ms. Nathalie Appéré, will present the Local Educational Project of Rennes within a session that will continue with the signature of the Manifesto of the Educating Cities by the attending cities.
The day will close with the conference Educating City or Learning City. The place of childhood in the city by the sociologists Ms. Véronique Laforets (Lab LAREC) and Mr. Alain Vulbeau (University Paris West Nanterre) and a roundtable of conclusions.
Last but not least, on November 29th there will be a study visit to the eco-neighbourhood of La Courrouze and the Biennal of Art Incorporated!
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