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Last days to register at a reduced fee!

You can now sign up to participate in the 17th International Congress of Educating Cities: "Sustainability, Innovation, and Inclusion in the Educating City: Transforming the Present." Reduced fee for early registrations!

13-02-2024    Congress

We are pleased to announce that the registration period is now open for the 17th  International Congress of Educating Cities, which will take place from May 21 to 24 in Curitiba, Brazil.

We look forward to welcoming you to an event that will bring together representatives from around the world to discuss public policies, , socio-environmental issues, social innovation, reduction of inequalities, cultural preservation and transmission, the feeling of belonging to the territory, revitalization of public spaces, among other important topics for life in cities.

Over 100 good practices of educating cities will be presented. Will you miss it?

Register HERE and find all the updated information on the Congress website.

Don’t miss it!

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