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Call to the IAEC General Assembly in Rosario

On the occasion of the 14th IAEC Congress to be held in Rosario (Argentina) from 1-4 June, all member cities have been called to participate on an Ordinary General Assembly which will take place next June the 2nd.

09-05-2016    Assembly   Committee   Congress   Rosario 2016

The meeting will take place at the “Centro de Expresiones Contemporaneas”, located at Paseo de las Artes 310 – Rosario (Argentina) at 5 PM on first call and at 05:15 PM on second call.

Proposed agenda:

  • Reading and adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting.
  • Vote on new members.
  • 2017 Budget.
  • Renewal of Executive Committee members.
  • International Educating Cities Day.
  • Presentation of the 15th IAEC International Congress
  • Question time.

If your city would like to add other issues to the proposed agenda, please notify the Secretariat by e-mail ( before May 23rd so that the final agenda can be prepared.

Should you be unable to participate we remind you that you can vote by proxy. All participants, which are not officially appointed as delegates before the Association, must be accredited by means of Delegation Form A. Cities unable to participate at the meeting may vote by proxy by delegating their vote to another member city by filling in the Delegation Form B and informing the said city. In both cases forms must be submitted to the Secretariat by 30 May. According to Article 14 of the Association Internal Regulations the maximum number of proxies that a city can receive shall not exceed ten.


Delegation Form A
Delegation Form B

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