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Call for projects | Childhood and youth participation

Send us your initiatives!

28-04-2021    Experiences' bank

The IAEC Secretariat is kindly requesting member cities to submit experiences on childhood participation. As you know, the revamped Charter of Educating Cities highlights the need to grant civil and political rights of children, teenagers and young people, using quality participatory methods. In particular, Principle 8 of the Charter on Governance and citizen participation states that: “Children, adolescents and young people will be recognised as citizens of the present day, with the right to participate in the management and improvement of community life on the same terms as adults, with the city providing the appropriate channels and tools for this”.

This call targets projects carried out by local governments where children and youth can influence local decision making, and their voices are heard considered. Experiences in the following fields may be considered, among others: town planning, environment, culture, sports, or initiatives implemented by several departments. Projects that include the diversity of childhoods in our cities are also an asset.

Please send your projects by filling in the attached form. Selected experiences will shared with the ensemble of the network using various communication channels.

Deadline: 20 May.

Do not miss out on this change to disseminate your initiatives!

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