Call for candidacies to organize the 16th International Congress
The IAEC member cities are invited to present their candidacy to opt for the organization of the 16th International Congress of Educating Cities, to be held in 2020.
The International Congresses are one of the main activities of our Association. They are a great opportunity to exchange experiences, to carry out proposals for joint projects and to share ideas. For the organizing city, the Congress offers both the opportunity to give an impulse to its actions and initiatives as an Educating City as well as to make the city known worldwide.
We invite the IAEC member cities that fullfill the terms to submit their candicacies. In the attached document you will find all the details of the terms of candidacy stated by the Executive Committee, as well as the required documents and selection criteria.
Candidate cities should prepare a bid dossier with the required documentation, in the three IAEC official languages (English, French and Spanish).The bid dossier must be submitted to the members of the Executive Committee and to the Secretariat for its analysis before February 28th, 2018.
Candidate cities will be invited to present and defend their proposals before the Executive Committee in March 2018 in Changwon (Republic of South Korea).
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