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International Award UCLG – MEXICO City – Culture 21

The period of submission of bids for to the International Award UCLG - MEXICO City - Culture 21 is already open.

30-01-2014    Out of Category

The objective of the award, promoted by the City of Mexico and the United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), is to recognize leading cities and people that have distinguished themselves through their contribution to culture as a pillar of sustainable development.

As regards the local governments’ award category, it will be given to a city, a local or regional government whose cultural policy has contributed meaningfully to link the values of culture (heritage, diversity, creativity and knowledge transmission) with democratic governance, citizenship participation and sustainable development.

The winner city will receive the amount of 50.000€ to disseminate the good practice internationally and to reinforce the local implementation of Agenda 21 for culture.


The deadline of presentation of bids is March 31.

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