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General Assembly in Seville

The next IAEC General Assembly takes place on 22-23 March in Seville. Don't miss it!

10-02-2023    Assembly

Seville hosts the 2023 IAEC General Assembly and the meeting of the Executive Committee. The event program covers 22 and 23 March, includes study visits to city facilities and local best practices, the celebration of the Assembly and the conference by Astrid Agenjo “Caring Cities: the importance of placing life sustainability at the center”.

This is a great opportunity to strenghten ties with other cities and exchange experiences and points of view!

Delegates who are not able to travel to Seville and registered within the deadline (15 March) may attend the assembly via Zoom streaming.

General Assembly meeting agenda:

  • Reading and approval of the previous minutes.
  • New members and leavers.
  • 2022 Activities Report.
  • 2022 Financial Report.
  • 2023 Action Plan.
  • 2023 International Day of the Educating City.
  • 2024 Budget.
  • Ethics Code
  • Information on the 2024 Congress.
  • Questions & Answers.

Explore the detailed program, the hotels with preferential rates and all the information to prepare your trip here:

IMPORTANT: event for member cities only

See you in Seville!


Dear members of the International Association of Educating Cities,

As Mayor of Seville, and on behalf of all Sevillians, it is a great honour to host the IAEC 2023 General Assembly, which will take place on the 22nd and 23rd of next month of March.

Seville, as the capital of Andalusia and the fourth largest city in Spain, maintains a firm commitment to education as a strategic line for the development of a model of a sustainable and habitable city with opportunities for all citizens and, especially, for our young people. This is established by our Seville 2030 Strategic Plan, which is aligned with the UN New Urban Agenda and the Sustainable Urban Development Goals.

It is this commitment that has led us to belong to the IAEC for 30 years and to place ourselves in a position of reference for the educational communities of our country. This is how we led the State Network of Educating Cities in Spain, in the period 2018-2020, hosting the State Meeting in March 2020. And right now we are leading the Thematic Network “The Educating City against the culture of hate”, which has 30 municipalities in Spain.

Regarding our international projection within the organization, Seville has been belonging to the International Executive Committee for some years, renewing its participation in the last Congress in Andong.

In Seville, we are aware that the city is a unique educational element and the responsibility that this entails for local governments. That is why the International Association of Educating Cities is an essential body for this City Council with which to promote a better future.

That is why it is very important for us to welcome you in Seville and celebrate the 2023 IAEC General Assembly in our city, from which we will surely come out stronger as an organization and with a wealth of reflections, shared knowledge, and experiences that will help to enrich our local initiatives and policies, which will benefit our society.

So that we can make this possible among all of us, I extend my invitation to participate in person and actively in the Assembly, traveling to Seville and enjoying the best common work together with the magic of our beautiful city.

We will be delighted to receive you.

We wait for you!

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