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Cascais venue of 15th IAEC Congress

The IAEC Executive Committee elected Cascais (Portugal) as venue of the 15th IAEC Congress to be done in 2018, during its last meeting held in Lisbon last March 11-12. [...]

Focus Experience #23

The current edition introduces the program Relating Life of Sant Boi de Llobregat (Spain) which promotes the interaction between students and people with mental illness. [...]

Lisbon hosted the IAEC General Assembly

Around 120 delegates of 55 member cities participated at the IAEC General Assembly which took place at the Auditorium of the Fundação Montepio of Lisbon last March 11. [...]

Educating Cities’ Award

45 member cities have presented around 60 bids for the Educating Cities’ Award on good practices of living together in our cities during the period of submission of experiences that ended last February 29. [...]

Report on Activities 2015

The IAEC Report on Activities 2015 is already available. [...]

Registration-fees grants to the 14th IAEC Congress

In order to enable member cities participation at the XIV International Congress of Educating Cities (Rosario, 1-4 June 2016), the IAEC announces a call for 40 grants which consists on exemptions on the 14th Congress registration fees. [...]

Call to the IAEC General Assembly in Lisbon

All IAEC member cities have officially been called to the Ordinary General Assembly that will take place in Lisbon (Portugal) on 11 March, at 02:45 PM, first call, and 03:00 PM, second call. [...]

Interview with Mr. Carlos Grana, Mayor of Santo André

Interviewed by the Association, the Mayor of Santo André, Mr. Carlos Grana stresses that by joining forces around the shared ideal of the Educating City, we are taking major steps towards a more democratic society. Read the whole interview here. [...]

Deadline of submission of bid to the Educating Cities’ Award Bids

We remind those member cities interested in submitting a bid to the Educating Cities’ Award on Good Practices on Living Together in the Cities that can do it until February 29th 2016. [...]