O XVII Congresso Internacional foi realizado na cidade de Curitiba entre os dias 21 e 24 de maio, sob o tema “Sustentabilidade, Inovação e Inclusão na Cidade Educadora: transformando o presente”.
O XV Congresso Internacional da AICE propôs como tema central: “A Cidade, Pertença das Pessoas”, com um programa centrado na importância da coesão social na cidade, a partir das pessoas e do seu sentimento de pertença à mesma.
The 14th IAEC Congress held in Rosario worked mainly on the issue of living together.
The 13th IAEC Congress held in Barcelona focused on social inclusion.
The 12th IAEC Congress “Green Environment, Creative Education” took place in Changwon (Republic of Korea) from 25 to 29 April 2012.
In the 10th IAEC Congress, which took place in Guadalajara, a declaration on “Sport, Public Policies and Citizenship. Challenges of an Educating City” was agreed.
Within the framework of the 10th IAEC Congress of Sao Paulo (Brazil) the following Charter was agreed.
The 9th IAEC Congress pointed out the need of promoting “People's place in the City”.
The participants on 8th IAEC Congress of Genoa focused on the theme “Another city is possible. The future of the city as a collective project”.