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Korean member cities visited the IAEC Awarded good practice of the Gamcheon Culture Village

The Korean member cities visited the Gamcheon Culture Village (Saha-gu, Republic of Korea), one of the awarded good practices of the Educating Cities’ Award, last November 30th on occasion of the International Day of the Educating City (30/11), [...]

Rennes venue of an International Meeting of Educating Cities

On November 28-29, Rennes (France) hosted an international meeting of Educating Cities within the framework of the common programme of the International Day of the Educating City. [...]

Girona hosts the exhibition Educating Cities: Local Actions, Global Values

The IAEC exhibition of the AICE was presented at the House of Culture of Girona (Spain) on 28 November 2016 in the framework of the Week of the Educating City of Girona which lasted until 2 December. [...]

Educating Cities join their voice in favour of an inclusive quality education for all and throughout life

The more than 480 member cities of the International Association of Educating Cities (IAEC) we celebrated yesterday 30/11 the first edition of the International Day of the Educating City. [...]

Meeting of Valencia’s member cities

The City Council of Valence call the member cities of the Valencia region to participate in a network which will take place in the regional Capital next 1st December, coinciding with the celebration of the International Day of the Educating City. [...]

Meeting of Aragon cities

Within the framework of the local celebrations in occasion of the International Day of the Educating City, Zaragoza will host next November 2016 a working session on the concept of Educating City and networking of cities. [...]

International Meeting of Educating Cities in Rennes

Rennes will host next November 28-29 an international meeting of Educating Cities within the framework of the common programme of the International Day of the Educating City. [...]

Study Visit to the Gamcheon Cultural Village

Coinciding with the International Day of the Educating City (30/11), the Korean member cities will visit the Gamcheon Cultural Village (Saha-gu, Republic of Korea), one of the awarded good practices of the Educating Cities’ Award. [...]

Ciudad Real hosts the Educating Cities Expo

The López-Villaseñor Museum of Ciudad Real (Spain) will host until the exhibition Educating Cities: Local actions, Global Values until November 5 after. The exhibition was opened last October 20 with a ceremony presided over the Mayor of Ciudad Real, Ms. Pilar Zamora. [...]