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    • Charter of Educating Cities


      Focus Experience

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      LOURES: Rivers with Life

      Rios Com Vida makes the connection between the past and the future of water, showing the population the natural wealth and the work of regenerating the rivers, through active citizenship in its protection, under the motto “return the rivers to the population”. This project aims to strengthen the municipal offer in the field of environmental education and awareness, focusing on the theme of protection of earth life and its valorisation in water resources. The project includes the realization of awareness participation actions, with the creation of a manifesto for the school community and with the production of digital content for communication and dissemination, such as a field guide, an infographic and a digital brochure.

      The active participation of the population in this project thus opens an opportunity for a communication of the problems related to the water lines ecosystem services and, therefore, it results in an empowerment of the population. This approach also has the advantage of encouraging the participation of the educational community in decision-making processes and its importance in the construction of a sustainable society and stimulating cooperation with the authorities in the search for a better preservation of rivers.

      Organisation: Loures, Energy and Environmental Sustainability Division
      Contact: Ana Gaiolas



      More information at the IAEC Bank of Experiences.