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    • Charter of Educating Cities


      Focus Experience

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      BARCELONA: Climate Shelters in schools

      The Climate Plan is the strategy of the city of Barcelona to face climate change, with actions to mitigate it, proposals for adaptation, climate justice and the promotion of citizen participation in the playground. One of these actions is to improve the thermal comfort conditions in buildings and public spaces in the city, including the creation of a network of climate shelters from high temperatures, which can guarantee the health and care of the most vulnerable groups.

      In order to maintain the theme of climate change as the backbone of the school’s educational project, the experience is accompanied by a pedagogical proposal for the entire educational community, with special attention to the fifth grade group, as a group that leads the project within the centre and promotes the involvement of the rest of the educational community in the participatory process and in other activities that take place within the framework of the experience. The project contributes to the education for the sustainable development, raising awareness, co-responsability and compromise of all educational community and citizenship.

      Organization: Barcelona, Municipal Institute of Urbanism
      Contact: Enric Cremades Pastor


      More information at the IAEC Bank of Experiences.