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    • Charter of Educating Cities


      Focus Experience

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      ROSARIO: Together, we make the economy

      Together, we make the economy is an education strategy aimed at reflecting about the economy of care and its link with social undertakings led by women in the city of Rosario.

      It is an education program targeting female entrepreneurs working in the social, solidarity and popular economy. For the past six years, the Municipality of Rosario has been working on the strengthening of the women projects, providing learning tools, technical and commercial assistance. Six hundred women have participated in debates and meetings on feminist economy focusing on care and its link with family undertakings. Based on the participants’ knowledge, experiences and skills, education aims at vitalizing their meetings, exchanges, participation and debates. Each meeting builds on a key issue. A guest speakers triggers personal stories and cooperative learning intends to reflect and delve into some issues the community takes as innate, such as gender-specific division of labour or feminization of care work.

      Contact: Marta Sánchez Miñarro, Principal’s Office of the Social Undertakings School of the Undersecretary of Social Economy

      More information at the IAEC Bank of Experiences.