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Dialogues for the construction of Rio Cuarto Educating City

The city of Río Cuarto (Argentina) hosted on May 4-5 a dialogue day on the construction of Río Cuarto as an Educating City with the aim of contributing to the dissemination and compliance with the principles of the Charter of Educating Cities in the Argentine city. [...]

Guarda – venue of the 7th National Congress of the Portuguese Network

Next 25-27 May 2016, Guarda will host the 7th National Congress of the Portuguese Network which will focus on Identity. [...]

Dialogues for the construction of San Justo Educating City

The city of San Justo (Argentina) hosted last 28 April a session on the Construction of San Justo as Educating City with the aim of contributing to the dissemination and compliance with the principles of the Charter of Educating Cities in the Argentinean city. [...]

Focus Experience #26

The current edition of Focus Experience introduces the Makerspaces at the Espoo (Finland) City Libraries, collaborative work sites where people of different ages and interests help each other by sharing the facilities and tools, as well as knowledge, experience and ideas. [...]

World Health Day

The International Association of Educating Cities joins the celebration of the World Health Day, April 7th, sharing with you some initiatives of the member cities of promotion of healthy lifestyle. [...]

Learning about Sustainable Development Goal 4

The Association presents a video undertaken in partnership with United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) so as to disseminate the contribution of the local governments on the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4. [...]

World Forum on Urban Violence and Education for better Living together and Peace

Madrid hosts from 19 to 21 April 2017 the World Forum on Urban Violence and Education for Better Living Together and Peace; an event aiming at outlining the tasks that local governments and citizenship must assume when working for the construction of coexistence and peace. [...]

The IAEC General Assembly concludes in Granollers

Delegates from 75 cities of 12 countries participated at the IAEC General Assembly which took place in Granollers (Spain) on March 23-24. [...]

Report on Activities 2016

The IAEC Report on Activities 2016 is already available. [...]