<< Finalist projects

TORRES VEDRAS: Torres in the Centre

This initiative of the City Council of Torres Vedras targets the restoration and recuperation of the old historic centre of the city.

It is based on the need for a comprehensive operation to curb the problems of declining demographics and urban decay of the economic and social fabric of this part of the city, in order to make this area an urban and environmental benchmark that can be appealing from the social, economic and cultural perspective. Accordingly, the project has had the participation of local associations. An inclusive, multi-sectorial vision was used, based on new forms of planning, the strengthening of territorial governance, shared actions and the optimisation of results. The Program has encouraged the restoration of eroded buildings, squares and streets, as well as the creation or modernisation of various facilities, contributing to the creation and maintenance of jobs. Likewise, it has fostered the modernisation of traditional retailing by stemming the negative economic and social effects of the economic crisis.

Further Information: http://www.torresaocentro.com
Contact: Mr. Carlos Figueiredo
E-mail: gavlaurarodrigues@cm-tvedras.pt