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IAEC General Assembly meets in Rosario

The IAEC General Assembly took place at the City Council of Rosario (Argentina) last March 14th.

14-03-2014    Assembleia

Within the framework of the General Assembly, the 2013 Economic Report and the Report on Activities 2013 as well as the Action Plan 2014 and the Budget 2015 were approved.

The Assembly was preceded by the conference “The Transformating power of the Educating Cities” by Mr Rubén Chababo, Director of the Rosario Memory Museum, and a rountable with representantives of Granollers, Morón, Santo André and Tampere.

Coinciding with the General Assembly, a meeting of the IAEC Executive Committee is held also in Rosario.

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Dia Internacional da Cidade Educadora

Prémio Cidades Educadoras

Experiência Destacada

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