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© Ciudad Real City Council

Ciudad Real hosts the Educating Cities Expo

The López-Villaseñor Museum of Ciudad Real (Spain) will host until the exhibition Educating Cities: Local actions, Global Values until November 5 after. The exhibition was opened last October 20 with a ceremony presided over the Mayor of Ciudad Real, Ms. Pilar Zamora.

The opening had the participation of the IAEC General Secretary, Ms. Marina Canals, the Director of Education of the Province of Ciudad Real, Mr. Francisco Navarro, the Deputy Mayor of the Province Council and Mayor of Argamasilla de Calatrava, Ms. Jacinta Monroy, and the Deputy Mayor of Ciudad Real, Ms. Nohemí Gómez-Pimpollo.

During the event, the Mayor of the Ciudad Real, Pilar Zamora, expressed that the city is convinced that education is “a comprehensive endeavor” and all educational actors should work together to make it possible.

On occasion of the opening of the exhibition, representatives of the IAEC member cities of the province of Ciudad Real (Alcázar de San Juan, Argamasilla de Calatrava, Puertollano, Tomelloso, Torralba de Calatrava, Valdepeñas and Ciudad Real) met in order to exchanges projects and ideas on the celebration of the International Day of the Educating City.

The exhibition will remain in the Spanish City until November 5.

Pesquisa de Notícias

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Dia Internacional da Cidade Educadora

Prémio Cidades Educadoras

Experiência Destacada