São Paulo

© Gilmar Mattos São Paulo is the capital of the São Paulo State, in Brazil. It has a population of 11,376,685 inhabitants and a density of 7,383 inhab./km2 (2010 data). Her surface is 1,522 km2. São Paulo is the most inhabited city of Brazil and the third in the American continent. Besides, it is one of the main corporate, financial and business centres of Latin America.

Dados de contato

Experiências - Notícias

PopRua Employability

The Program offers occupational training courses for the homeless and strategic collaboration of companies working with the City Council of Sao Paolo in order them hire Program participants. [...]

Leisure Streets

Sundays and holidays between the hours of 9am and 5pm, almost 1.000 streets of Sao Paulo are closed to vehicle traffic for the leisure of citizens. Activities such as games, sports, celebrations, dances, etc. are organised by each community in order to encourage social conviviality. [...]