9th Asia-Pacific Network Meeting
The Asia-Pacific Network of Educating Cities meets in Dangjin (Korea) on 17-18 October with the theme ‘Sustainable City and Education’. The meeting is jointly organised with ICLEI Korea Office.
The event features the presentation of good practices by representatives from the cities of Barcelona, Brussels (‘School Street’ project), Chubu, Daego Suseong-gu, Dangjin, Katowice, Osan and Wonju.
At the meeting, Katowice’s representative invites cities in the region to attend the 2020 International Congress of Educating Cities (Katowice, 30 September – 2 October).
In addition, Professor John Fien (RMIT) delivers the keynote lecture ‘Sustainable City and Education’ on 17th October and Professor Reita Furusawa talks on ‘SDGs and Educating City’ on 18th October. The programme also includes a round table of local authorities and study visits.
Find out more at the dedicated website of the meeting: http://2019iaec-dangjin.co.kr/eng/