Poster, social media pack, videos and other materials

Available in English, Korean, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Catalan, Italian and Basque.

Two versions: (i) poster with a placeholder for each municipality’s logo, (ii) base poster:














Member cities have received a link via email to download the posters and banners.


VIDEO: «The Charter of Educating Cities» NEW!

Member cities have received a link via email to download the video.


SOCIAL MEDIA PACK | #EducatingCityDay:

Jpg and gif/mp4 for Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

Member cities have received a link via email to download the materials.










Download it here!



Available in png, ai and PDF ; Black font; white font

Download it here or get in touch with








OPPOSITE MATCHING GAME ABOUT THE EDUCATING CITY                                                                                                                                                                                          

Card game open to anyone (aged from 6 to 99). It addresses certain values and actions linked to the principles of the Charter of Educating Cities. The main goal is to encourage reflection on which measures and actions we could undertake individually and collectively to enhance quality of life and foster harmonious living together in the city.

The game contains 32 cards and a set of rules, that describe each card and include some questions to stimulate discussion. Paint and colour version also available.


  • Cards: we suggest printing in DIN-A4 or DIN-A3 size with grammage over 80gr.
  • Rules: DIN-A3

Additional information:

  • Number of players: 2-6 people
  • Design and ©: IAEC
  • Ilustrator: Evelt Yanait

Available in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Catalan and Valencian.



In order to stress the importance of the participation of the citizenry and civil society organisations in the co-construction of the Educating City, we suggest launching a campaign inviting people to commit themselves to carrying out a small action in their daily lives for the good of their community.

We offer an origami that can be used during the celebration events, including 8 actions that children can undertake in order to take good care of our cities and to contribute to enhance the values of living together. In a playful way, the material ignites reflection on substantial issues that reinforce the citizen commitment of children towards the Educating City and can be used either at school, at home or within leisure activities facilities.




We invite all member cities to unite their voices in favour of the Educating City by singing the song composed for this occasion.

We encourage cities to rehearse the song with their choruses, orchests, bands, local artists, etc. in order to sing it in an emblematic place in the city on the International Day of the Educating City. Below you will find the video presentation (choir Amics de la Unió, from Granollers). We also encourage you to share your footages with the whole network.

Currently the song is available in Spanish, French, Portuguese and Italian (below). English version is under preparation.


Córdoba city version (music adaptation by Álvaro Llanos)


  • IAEC
  • International Association of Educating Cities
  • Avinyó 15, 4ª planta, 08002 Barcelona.
  • Phone: +34 933 427 720
  • Ver mapa