Launch of the Educating Cities’ Award on Good Practices on Living Together in the Cities
The Association creates an Educating Cities’ Award on Good Practices on Living Together in the Cities that will be granted to three innovative experiences from three member cities.
The Award has been created with the aim of recognising and giving international visibility to the work being carried out by the Educating Cities to improve the quality of life of their cities, in accordance with the principles of the Charter of Educating Cities. The idea is that the Award could be delivered every two years coinciding with an IAEC Congress.
The Awarded projects will be announced within the coming 14th IAEC Congress which will take place in Rosario (Argentina) in June 2016. The cities whose projects receive the Award will be invited to present their own experience in a plenary session of the 14th IAEC Congress and will receive an award diploma.
Those member cities interested in submitting a bid to the Award, can do it until February 29th 2016. Every member city will be able to present a maximum of 2 experiences per call.
The candidatures will be assessed by a Jury made up of members of the IAEC Executive Committee, a representative from United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) and two academic experts.
Here attached you can find the conditions of the Award.
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